Coronavirus Information
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COVID-19 Vaccinations
If you live in England and are aged 18 or over, you can get a COVID-19 vaccine from a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination site without an appointment. You do not need to be registered with a GP or bring any ID. It might help to bring your NHS number, if you know it. If you've already had your 1st dose, you need to wait 8 weeks before having your 2nd dose.
COVID-19 vaccine Oxford-AstraZeneca and blood clotting
Recently there have been reports of an extremely rare but serious condition involving blood clots and unusual bleeding after AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccination. The national committee which recommends on vaccines has therefore recommended that patients under 40 years are no longer offered this vaccine for their first dose. If you have already had a first dose of AZ vaccine without suffering this rare side effect you should still complete the course with the AZ vaccine for your second dose, even if you are under 40. For more information please see
Coronavirus Advice to Patients and the Public
The NHS and Public Health England (PHE) are extremely well prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases. The NHS has put in place measures to ensure the safety of all patients and NHS staff while also ensuring services are available to the public as normal.
Further information is available on
Like the common cold, coronavirus infection usually occurs through close contact with a person with novel coronavirus via cough and sneezes or hand contact. A person can also be infected by touching contaminated surfaces if they do not wash their hands.
Everyone is being reminded to follow Public Health England advice to:
- Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze. Then bin the tissue, and wash your hands, or use a sanitiser gel.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after using public transport. Use a sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
You can find the latest information and advice from Public Health England at Further information is available on
What is Germ Defence?
Germ Defence is an evidence-based website that provides advice on infection control at home.
A research study with 20,000 people found:
- People who read the advice in Germ Defence are less likely to catch viruses
- If they do become ill, the illness is likely to be less severe
Germ Defence is quick and easy to read. Click the link below to begin.

COVID-19 Passport
Digital version:
You can get a digital version using the NHS App or NHS website. You will need to set up an NHS login to do this. Digital versions can be downloaded as a pdf or sent to you in an email. You must be registered with a GP surgery in England to use the app.
Download the App from:
Google Play- NHS App
App Store- NHS App
Paper version:
You can ask for a paper version of your COVID-19 vaccination status to be sent to you in the post. You should get this within 5 working days. You do not need to be registered with a GP surgery or have an NHS login for this. You can get a paper version by: requesting a letter online calling 119 – do not call 119 if you're travelling in more than 4 weeks' time. You can request a letter 5 days after having your 2nd dose of the vaccine.
Key Messages:
- The app is the easiest and most convenient way to go about getting your vaccine passport
- There are two ways of proving your vaccination status
- GP practices cannot provide you with a COVID-19 vaccination status letter. You can demonstrate your vaccination status by downloading the NHS App
- Make sure there is enough time to get proof of your COVID-19 vaccination status before you travel
- If you do not have internet access, have had both doses of your COVID-19 vaccination, and are due to travel outside the UK in the near future, you can request a paper letter from the NHS by calling 119.
- If you need to prove your COVID-19 vaccination status please download the #NHSApp. More info at and
- The NHS has two apps, the one to prove your vaccine status is called the “NHS App”